
This node is shown when Bio Cell Model action has been executed in the Chemistry node. Here, you can mark the species that are Cells. REX then considers the liquid phase and the cells as two separate compartments. Intracellular compounds can also be selected. This allows for modeling reactions outside and inside the cells. Diffusion through the cell membranes may be modeled as a reaction in REX as shown in this example

Grid Views


Grid Views

Cell Definition

Assignment of Compounds Inside Cell

Cell Definition

This grid displays the list of compounds in the Project. You must select the compound(s) that represent the cell(s) for this project.

Assignment of Compounds Inside Cell

In this grid, the compounds selected as cells in the previous grid are shown as columns, while the remaining compounds are shown in rows. This way you can identify the compounds that reside internal to each cell.
Note: A given compound can not be assigned to more than one cell.

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Example: Biocell Model

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